Social Networks – Who are they for, and why?
Little time, lots of work. This expression certainly holds true for anything related to social media – You need to invest time. Skills acquisition and the investment in building initial foundations are costly, but pay off in the long run.
Social networks offer endless possibilities, and it sometimes feels like we're being pulled into a whirlpool with no chance of getting out. So, before throwing yourself into any of the websites, see what they each have to offer and learn how much invested time is necessary to get the results you want.
And so here's the big question – Which social network suits my business? Different networks are recommended for each profession. We’ll try to map out the popular networks so that you can choose which best suits you.
Here's a short explanation:
LinkedIn – This is a business network (in English only).
It's very popular in North America and Europe; in Israel, it's used by those working in high-tech, technology, and human resources, as well as by job seekers and business people in various fields.
Recommended for: Anyone with an international orientation, working in finance, consulting, tourism, commerce, technology, and so on.
Less relevant for Business owners working in health, wellness, and spirituality.
Facebook – The world's largest social network with the highest virality; it is definitely Israel's leading network. It allows you to choose between English, Hebrew, and many other languages for site management.
Recommended for: Businesses dealing directly with the end user/client; it is also good to create a business presence and gain exposure on the network.
Less recommended for Senior-level executives, finance, etc.
Twitter – A social network based on short messages. It is used mostly in North America and Europe. This network can be linked to other networks, thereby continuously "saving" you additional activity. The network is in English.
Recommended for: International businesses, fashion, public relations, and so on.
Less recommended for Everyone else.
Instagram- An application found only on SmartPhones, intended for taking and editing pictures in different ways. It has an option for simple, immediate photo-sharing on all of the social networks. The site is in English.
Recommended for: Anyone whose business uses visuals and can create regular, immediate photos for presence and exposure on different networks.
Despite everything explained above, it's always possible to find businesses that prove the exact opposite – and find a place by directing their marketing in a way that justifies their presence on any network for increased exposure creating business referrals. The important thing is to understand your direction and make the correct choices for the business and time available.
Are you unsure which networks are best for your business? Still confused about which resources to invest in order to achieve the desired results?
Good luck!